November 22, 2007


I decided early to accept Ranger training when I'm offered the promotion, but I'm beginning to think that I'd like to be a sniper, down the road. I'm not at "one shot, one kill" level yet, but I'd like to be. Saves a lot of ammo.

Lots of crusties killed today, lots of trips to the hospital. I assaulted a couple of Bane-held control points with minimal backup (hence the trips to the hospital) and minimal strategic success, but I definitely whittled down their numbers. I don't understand why we don't strengthen that area further next time we hold it - the rock formations in front of LZ are a fabulous place to snipe from. Not that I'm complaining, mind you, but if I can do it, so can a Bane Light Bringer. A little C-4 would take care of that.

I've got some missions to complete yet in Wilderness, but I'm looking forward to moving on as soon as I can. That thief in Twin Pillars had a lot of friends, and I'm tired of getting the stinkeye everywhere I go just because I turned him in. Risking your career for some damned stim - I'll never understand it. Getting shot at is plenty stimulating enough.

Anyway, I'm hitting the rack. Over and out.

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