December 3, 2007

Back on Duty

No updates for a while, because I got hauled away for a "routine screening." I guess my last entry made the shrinks a bit nervous, so I got to spend a few days in medical answering stupid questions about my "goals" and my "relationships." The corporal in the next rack (who was busy regrowing his legs - I didn't know they could do that) says that they keep us receptives shuttling through like clockwork - I guess some brass is still not at all certain that the Eloh are to be trusted. And, by extension, they're not quite ready to trust us, either.

Once they gave me back my guns, I took a jog out to the Caves of Donn, following up on orders to look for Eloh artifacts there. Turns out the whole area was under Bane control, and almost all of the natives were dead - or worse.

I tried to get a couple of survivors out to the extraction point, but they ran right into the line of fire of a Bane mortar, and they were all dead before I could get them out. I should have taken that mortar out before I picked them up, dammit. The Foreans lost enough people there, they didn't need to lose more just because I forgot to look before I leapt.

I successfully accomplished the rest of my objectives, but the whole thing left a bitter taste in my mouth. Not much I can do about it now, though. Those poor bastards didn't even have any family left to apologize to.

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